Advances in Constructive Approximation

Intructions for Submitting a Paper to the Proceedings

If you would like to submit a paper to the proceedings, read the following two files:
  • SAMPLE PAPER AND TUTORIAL To prepare your paper,
  • DOWNLOAD at03.tex and paper.tex and fill in the blanks. If you want to study the TeX file which created the sample paper, download
  • tutorial.tex


    If you would like to take advantage of several advanced features of TEX, download nash03.tex, epsf.tex and read the following:
  • Autonumbering
  • Inserting postscript files These two documents correspond to psfigures.tex, and autonumber.tex


    If you need to add text to figures, you might find gridbox.tex useful. To experiment with these macros, download gridtest.tex and schumaker1.fig, schumaker2.fig, schumaker3.fig.


    If you are using a unix or linux machine, you may want to use one of the following packages which can be used to bundle messages for ease of transmission by email:
  • dbmailer.unix
  • dbmailer.linux


    Yvon Lafranche has developed some macros to help with drawing figures. If you are interested in learning more about them, see the reference guide . The documentation is also available in tex as documentation. The actual macros are in fig4tex.tex.